ContextCapture User Guide

MS Excel block definition

Blocks definition can be provided in MS Excel documents according to a format specified by Bentley.

This format is provided for convenience to ease block import from pre-existing MS Excel documents in XLS or XLSX format. However, we recommend you to use the more flexible BlocksExchange XML format in the general case.

In an MS Excel file, the block definition can be partial or complete, and data can be provided in different form.

You can find an example and a template in ContextCapture installation directory:
  • doc/BlockImportSample.xls
  • doc/BlockImportTemplate.xls

Data worksheets

In the MS Excel file, the data is provided in several worksheets.

XLS format is limited to 16384 rows, use XLSX format instead if you want to import larger dataset.


List of photogroups with corresponding parameters:

  • Name: unique name of this Photogroup (mandatory)
  • Width, Height: image size in pixels (mandatory)
  • FocalLength: focal length in mm (mandatory)
  • SensorSize or PixelSize: in mm (mandatory)
  • PrincipalPointX, PrincipalPointY: principal point position in pixels (optional)
  • PrincipaPointlXmm, PrincipalPointYmm: principal point position in mm (optional)
  • CameraOrientation: camera orientation reference, see BlocksExchange XML format (optional)
  • K1, K2, K3, P1, P2: lens distortion coefficients (optional)


List of photos with corresponding parameters:

  • Name: file name (mandatory)
  • PhotogroupName: name of the attached camera (mandatory)
  • Directory: base directory (optional)
  • Extension: file suffix (optional)
  • Longitude, Latitude, Height or Easting, Northing, Height: 3D position (optional)
  • Omega, Phi, Kappa or Yaw, Pitch, Roll, or Heading, Roll, Pitch: rotation, in degrees or radians according to options (optional)

Photo Name can be an absolute path, a relative path, or a file name:

The actual photo path is built using optional option BaseImagePath, optional photo Directory, photo Name, and optional Extension .


List of control points with name and 3D position.

To provide control points measurements, use the BlocksExchange XML format instead.


Options used to interpret the MS Excel file.


Spatial reference system used to interpret 3D positions and rotations.

Supports EPSG code ("EPSG:XXX"), PROJ.4 or WKT definition.


Specify that orientation angles are provided in radians rather than in degrees.


Optional base directory used to build photos absolute path.


Optional block type.